
Advertising & Marketing Communications

… track invites papers which aim to contribute to the understanding of how advertising and other forms of marketing communication influence consumers and outcomes. Any methodology is welcome (e.g., experiments, normative or empirical studies). Your study may involve digital media but should focus on communication aspects.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in the (International) Journal of Advertising or Journal of Advertising Research, this is the right track for your work, even if you do not consider submitting your work to those journals.

Studies focusing purely on digital marketing (other focus then communication) or social media should consider the “Digital Marketing & Social Media” track.


John Pracejus,
University of Alberta

Mario Pandelaere,
Pamplin College of Business 
Virginia Tech

Business-To-Business Marketing & Supply Chain Management

...track invites papers that study transactions between organizations or businesses. B2B marketing accounts for 2/3rds of GDP and has its own distinct challenges and solutions. The focus of this track is on how to better create, measure, and deliver customer value in business markets. Sample topics may include interfirm relations or governance, organizational buying, creating routes to markets or distribution channels, metrics for B2B, B2B solutions, and other topics provided the focus is on exchanges between organizations.

Papers submitted to this track could potentially be submitted to e.g. the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, Organization Science, AMJ, and SMJ. In addition, such work may be submitted to journals such as Industrial Marketing Management or the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. If you feel your paper is a good fit for this track, please submit!



Per Freytag                                                 Sudha Mani                                     
University of Southern Denmark                 Monash University                           
Consumer Behavior

… track invites papers which aim to contribute to the general understanding of consumers and consumption, regardless of methodology. If your work relates to topics such as consumer decision processes, social influences on consumer behaviour, self-regulation, identity issues and similar topics, this is the right track for your work.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in the Journal of Consumer Research or the Journal of Consumer Psychology, this is the right track for your work even if you do not consider submitting your work to those journals.

Studies dealing with a specific marketing topic (branding, advertising, social media, retailing, innovations, etc.) should consider the corresponding track even if the focus is on consumers.


Torsten Ringberg,
Copenhagen Business School



Irene Scopelliti,
Bayes Business School

Daniela Cristian,
Bayes Business School


Digital Marketing & Social Media

… track invites papers that aim to contribute to the discourse shaping the growing field of digital and interactive marketing environments. If your work relates to topics such as social media, search or display advertising, multi-channel/multi-platform retailing, online pricing, crowd-funded new product development, user-generated content, influencer marketing, recommendation systems, chatbots, and mobile marketing, this is the right track for you. This track welcomes both empirical and conceptual papers and is open to a variety of methods, including qualitative methods, surveys, observation (lab or field) as well as Bayesian analysis, econometric methods, social network analysis, text and sentiment analysis, AI machine leaning and other, non-traditional techniques.

Studies primarily involving traditional and offline media and channels should consider other tracks such as the “Advertising & Marketing Communications” track.


Evert de Haan, University of Groningen

Jano Jimenez-Barreto,Oxford Brookes University

Innovation Management & New Product Development

… track invites papers that seek to advance our theoretical and managerial knowledge of innovations as well as product and service development by studying factors that affect the success of product and service innovation in the organization’s external and internal environments. The research can be located in the consumer, business-to-business, or institutional domains, and use any type of quantitative or qualitative methodology.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in the Journal of Product Innovation Management, this is the right track for your work even if you do not consider submitting your work to that journal.


Martin Reisenbichler, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

Pilar Carbonell,

York University

International Marketing & Marketing in Emerging Countries

… track invites papers which aim (a) to develop and test theories about international marketing phenomena, or (b) to develop and test theories of marketing phenomena in cross-national and cross-cultural environments. We also invite papers that seek to understand marketing in, to and from emerging and transition economies, with a particular emphasis on seeking unique ways (compared to developed economies) that marketing is affected by, and influences the economic performance, prospects and problems of these economies.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in journals like the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, and International Marketing Review, this is the right track for your work, even if you do not consider submitting your work to those journals.


John W. Cadogan, University of Leicester

Stavroula Spyropoulou,
Leeds University

Marketing Strategy & Theory

… track invites papers studying all basic and long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the formulation, evaluation, selection, and implementation of market-oriented strategies in various contexts. Such activities therefore contribute to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives. A crucial studied issue is how marketing strategy affect the performance of firms. This research may be quantitative, qualitative, or conceptual. 

This track also considers papers that aim to develop and reflect on theory in marketing. This may include new ways of thinking about marketing phenomena as well as proposition on the adaptation of existing marketing theories. These studies are typically conceptual in nature or informed by qualitative insights.


Stephen Ludwig,
The University of Melbourne

Dennis Herhausen, VU Amsterdam

Methods, Modelling & Marketing Analytics

… track invites papers using or developing high-powered statistical and data science models to obtain insights into marketing problems, maximize the effectiveness of marketing actions, and to understand and predict marketing phenomena. We welcome data-driven papers providing quantitative measures and analysis techniques to extract information from new data sources such as text, audio, and video-processing as well as traditional data.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, the marketing section of Management Science, or Quantitative Marketing and Economics, this is the right track for your work even if you do not consider submitting your work to those journals.



Maren Becker, ESCP Business School, Berlin Campus

Sara Valentini, University of Bologna


Pricing & Promotions

track invites scholarly research that aims to contribute to the marketing discipline’s understanding of price and promotion management. The track welcomes research on tactical as well as strategic pricing, and on price as well as on non-price promotions. It is open to all methodological approaches (analytical models, empirical models, machine learning, surveys, experiments, etc.) and to any unit of analysis (e.g., consumer attitudes and behavior, firm strategy). 

There is no particular marketing journal associated with the content of this track; all “general purpose” journals (e.g., Journal of Marketing and International Journal of Research in Marketing) could be interested in publishing research on pricing and/or promotions. 



Mercedes Esteban-Bravo,
UC3M-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Jonne Guyt
University of Amsterdam,
the Netherlands

Product and Brand Management

… invites papers studying the analysis and planning of (1) product and brand management overall and the combination and coordination of the different elements of the go-to-market strategy and (2) how products and brands are positioned in the market, how the brand helps create a relationship or a connection between a company’s product and the perception of the customer, and how it can help to fulfill customer expectations and generate consistent customer satisfaction.

Typical outlets for this work are general purpose marketing journals (e.g., Journal of Marketing and International Journal of Research in Marketing), the Journal of Product & Brand Management, or the Journal of Brand Management.


Kristina Klein, University of Bremen


Oliver Schnittka, University of Southern Denmark

Public Sector and Non-Profit Marketing

… track invites papers studying all aspects of marketing as applied in contexts other than that of the typical profit-oriented organization, with particular reference to marketing practice in, for example, non-profit organizations, pressure groups, charities, political parties, municipal administrations, the health sector, etc. The objectives of this activity could include fundraising, changing attitudes and behaviour with regard to social issues, marketing public services, marketing places, marketing particular points of-view etc.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, the Journal of Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Marketing and the Journal of Macromarketing, this is the right track for your work even if you do not consider submitting your work to those journals.


Patrick De Pelsmacker, University of Antwerp

Camilla Barbarossa,
Toulouse Business School

Relationship Marketing

… track invites conceptual and empirical papers which aim to contribute to the general understanding of building, developing, maintaining, and enhancing successful exchanges using any applicable methodology. If your work relates to topics such as customer acquisition, retention, relationship expansion, customer lifetime value, customer experience and engagement, and similar topics, this is the right track for your work.

There is no particular marketing journal associated with the content of this track; all general-purpose journals could be interested in publishing research on relationship marketing.


Manfred Krafft, University of Münster

Javier Sese,
University of Zaragoza

Retailing & Omni-Channel Management

… track invites papers studying all aspects of retailing, regardless of methodology, including the management of retailing, the (technological and digital) evolutions and developments in the retail landscape, consumer behavior in retail settings, loyalty management in retailing, store design and atmospherics, distribution channels, the relationships between retailers and members of the supply channel, retail franchising. We are particularly interested in high-quality studies of important retail phenomena and studies that generate new knowledge in the domain of retail research.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in the Journal of Retailing or the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, this is the right track for your work even if you do not consider submitting your work to those journals.


Kathleen Cleeren,

KU Leuven

Heiner Evanschitzky, University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School

Sales Management and Personal Selling

… track invites papers that deal with new issues, topics, methodologies, theories, concepts, tools, models or applications in sales and selling. The track also takes in contributions exploring issues concerning the management of sales and the selling function. As such, the track is interested in work with a broad range of foundations. Work may be concerned with effective sales techniques, how customers react to salespeople, how managers can best design and manage an effective sales force, incentivisation, psychological issues, as well as models of the sales force and sales management. All relevant methodologies are considered appropriate, from conceptual thought and analytic models, through interpretive qualitative methods, and quantitative methods.

If your research would usually be considered for publication in the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, this is the right track for your work even if you do not consider submitting your work to that journal.


Nick Lee,
University of Warwick

Florian Kraus, University of Mannheim

Service Marketing & Service Innovation

… track invites papers which focus, regardless of methodology, on the distinctive characteristics of services and how they affect both consumer behavior and marketing strategy. We are open to all service-specific phenomena in B2C and B2B, ranging from service pricing to managing service frontline-employees, or service technologies. We particularly encourage the submission of cutting-edge research on trends in services, which encompass, but are not limited to, emerging (digital) technologies and business models or transformative service research.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in the journals like the Journal of Service Research, the Journal of Service Management, or the Journal of Services Marketing, this is the right track for your work even if you do not consider submitting your work to those journals.


Jan Schumann, University of Passau

Jenny van Doorn, University of Groningen

Social Responsibility & Ethics

… track invites papers which aim to contribute to the general understanding of ethical and moral aspects of consumption and marketing, regardless of methodology.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in the journals like the Journal of Business Ethics or the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, this is the right track for your work even if you do not consider submitting your work to those journals.


Valérie Swaen,
UC Louvain

Jöelle Vanhamme, EDHEC Business School

Tourism Marketing

… track invites papers studying the efforts of the national or local tourist bodies and/or the businesses in the tourism, travel, transport and hospitality sectors to achieve growth in tourism by maximizing the satisfaction of tourists. The tourism product includes all the experiences of a tourist from when he leaves his home to when he returns, including transportation, hospitality, attractions and entertainment as well as national and regional marketing. The research can look at these experiences from the managerial side or the consumer point of view. Articles are invited on tourism branding and marketing, as well distribution channels and strategies, pricing and revenue management, ecommerce, social media and eTourism and reputation management.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in journals like Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Review, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, or Applied Geography this is the right track for your work even if you do not consider submitting your work to those journals.


Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University

Luisa Andreu, University of Valencia

Save the Dates:

  • Full Paper & Special Session Submission Deadline: 3 December 2024 (16:00 CET). No extension of deadline.

  • EMAC Doctoral Colloquium Submission Deadline: 24 January 2025 (16:00 CET)

  • Communication of accepted papers: March 2025

  • Registration deadline for authors of accepted papers: 8 April 2025

  • Early Bird Registration deadline for other participants: 22 April 2025